Weekend Indulgence and Its Impact on Hormonal Balance and Skin Health

Many of us look forward to the weekend, planning to indulge in our favourite foods and drinks. But this cycle of overindulgence followed by strict deprivation during the week can have serious implications for our hormonal health and skin. As a holistic nutritionist, I’m here to shed light on why this cycle may be doing more harm than good and how you can create a more balanced approach to your wellness.

The Cycle of Deprivation and Indulgence
It’s all too common to deprive ourselves during the week in hopes of “making up” for it on the weekend. This can lead to feelings of guilt and shame, but it’s important to understand how this affects your hormones. When you restrict calories or certain foods, your body may react by producing more cortisol, the stress hormone, which can lead to cravings and binge eating on weekends.

Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal balance is crucial for both your physical and emotional health. Fluctuations caused by a restrictive diet can lead to mood swings, fatigue, and even menstrual irregularities. When you consistently deprive your body, it can trigger a cycle of craving unhealthy foods, which can disrupt insulin levels and contribute to weight gain.

Effects on Your Skin
The state of our skin often reflects our internal health. Overindulging can result in breakouts, dullness, and increased inflammation. Ingredients found in processed and sugary foods can lead to spikes in insulin, exacerbating acne and other skin issues. Conversely, nourishing your body with whole foods can help promote a healthy, radiant complexion.

Finding a Balanced Approach
Instead of swinging between extremes, consider embracing a more moderate approach. Focus on nourishing your body throughout the week with whole foods rich in nutrients, which can help stabilize hormones and support healthy skin. Allow yourself to indulge mindfully on weekends—this way, you can enjoy your favorite foods without the guilt!

Creating a sustainable relationship with food is key to feeling your best inside and out. By understanding the implications of the deprivation-indulgence cycle, you can take steps to nurture your body holistically.

For more tips on balancing hormones, skin health, and holistic nutrition, sign up for my newsletter! Together, we can cultivate a lifestyle that supports your health and wellness goals.

Wishing you health and happiness,
Jenny Kantzas, R.H.N.
Registered Holistic Nutritionist


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